Polite Emailing

I learnt about etiquette for emailing and Goggle Meets

First we had to Email but not send the email to someone we had to write a title, subject, body, farewell and a signature.

Next we went on a Goggle Meet, the teacher told us questions and we raised our digital hand. We clicked it and then the teacher picked someone and we couldn’t use backgrounds we had to lean against a wall. 



I learnt about bathroom procedures and pause breath smile.

First we learnt pause breath smile. pause breath smile is where if you are angry you should stop, breath, and smile.

Next we talked to the person next to us and we talked what bathroom procedures are important for.

After we were done talking about bathroom procedures. Like to inform the teacher that you want to go and that you are back from the toilet.

I enjoyed this task because people will know to use the bathroom for it’s intended purpose.


Kio Rahi Training/HPE

Today we went on the feild and we practised Kio Rahi.

First we watched the legend of Ki o Rahi, after the video we answered qeustions like what was the mans name and then we said the answer was Rahi.

Next we played a game out on the field the game was like rats and rabbits but it was taniwha and kioma.

After we learnt all the names of Kio Rahi, then coah Chelsea told two people to be kaiteaki and the people had to stand behind the  orange cone and we threw the ball at the tupu.

One thing about Ki o Rahi is that two tribes would play Ki o Rahi, and whoever won would win the war without slaughtering people so they can bring peace.


Te Reo Maori

Today group a and group b learnt te reo maori.

First we opend a sheet and we had to answer questions and at the bottom there were names from countries and we had to translate the words from English to Maori.

Next the teacher picked 5 – 6 people and we were on the mat and got into a circle there were alot of cards and the teacher said ho mai and a number in maori for example: ho mai, toru tekau ma tahi then we would grab the card that the teacher says.

Lastly we made a google draw and we searched map of the pacific. Then we put the picture in the google draw and we translated the words from the countries and put them on the picture.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn how to count in Maori. I did well at saying the words in Maori. I need to improve on knowing all the Maori numbers.

How To Save The Bees

For inquiry Mrs Anderson groups were researching on how we can save the bees of New Zealand. There are many different ways and these are some of them.

Bees are important because they pollinate flowers which makes them produce the right amount of honey to produce the food that we eat today. A fact about bees is that they suffer from colony collapse which is a disease that destroys worker bees and leaves the queen bee behind.

A way to help bees is to plant large clusters of flowers to attract the bees to collect nectar and pollinate the flowers to grow.

We found this activity interesting because of the way we can save the bees and the facts we learnt.


Today we went on the field and revised soccer skill. The three soccer skills we did were passing, stopping and dribbling.

First we practised passing the ball, we got into a triangle. We kicked the ball with our dominant foot on the top of our shoes on the inside of the foot we were kick ing the ball around the triangle clockwise and anticlockwise.

Next we practised stopping the ball by standing on it when it rolled to stop it. and the other way of stopping the ball was with the top of our feet.

Lastly we played a game. We got into four teams and we had to pass the ball to each other while we running we passed the ball and tried tagging someone


Procedrual Text

Procedrual Texts tells peoplehow to do something in steps.

The structure of a procedrual text is rememberd by using temps.

The title, tells the reader what there going to do.

End result, tells the reader what they will be doing.

Materials, list the materials and tools for procedure.

Pictures and steps, list the steps in order with picture where possible.


Identifying Parts Of Speech

I learnt about identifying parts of speech.

First we looked at nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverb.

A noun is a thing that you can talk about in images and texts. For example there is red car. Adjectives are something that can be described about nouns. For example that chair is hard.

Verbs are action words. For example the slow boy was running.

Adverbs are words that describe verbs. For example run quickly.

Soccer Skills Kelly Sport

Today two groups went out side to learn soccer skills.

The first skill we learnt was dribbling we had to kick the ball with the side of our foot softly to the other side.

Next we did a activity where there were two cones in colloms, we had to partner up. We first kicked the ball with our dominnit foot, then we kicked the ball with our non dominint foot.

Lastly we played a game where we had 4 teams and there was a half side, we had to saty on the half side. If one side had the ball we’d  kick the ball to the other side.

I enjoyed dribbling. I need to improve on kicking the ball straight. I did well at stopping the ball.

Observable Informaion


Observable information is something that can be seen directly. Observable information can be seen without guessing extra information.

Observble and literal informtion is when you geuss something that you can see. For example on the first slide there a kids.

Observble and literal informtion is peicecs of information.

Literal information is information that is printed or written down.