Month: May 2024

Samoan Language Week

LI: To learn the about the Samoa Tatau’s

For Samoan Language Week LS2 had mad tatau and designs in the samoan culture, some of the art were hand patterns and others have flowers that were beautiful. The tatau patterns were shown to represent the culture of Samoa and strong bonds with their culture. I had to answer questions about:What is the reason Samoan tatau is so important?  e.g: When do they get the tatau?: 12 to 13 years old or when they’re bodies have developed, Who can get a tatau? Men and the woman, What is the reason Samoan tatau is so important? Because it marks pride to the samoan culture.

Howick Historical Village

LI: to make a collage about the Howick Historical Village

For this task we went around a place named howick historical village and saw what New Zealand in 1850s. For this trip, we had 3 tasks: the butter making, making trolleys and riding it, and finallly looking around and going into the houses to see what was inside the houses. The butter tasted like the butter in the real butter in countdown.

I enjoyed going around and experiencing what the 1850s in New Zealand looked like from today and the 1850s.

Healthy Eating

LI: To learn about portion sizes and nutrients.

For this task we made a poster based off of the wonderful people working for Nestle who have showed us about a healthy diet and food portion, healthy eating means to eat healthy portions of food like whole grains, dairy products, vegetables and fruits which are very important for your health and great to eat.

I found this activity enjoying because I got to make a poster about healthy eating.

Water Safety

LI: to make a poster or animation about water safety

For this task we learnt about water safety and how to survival in the water for a long amount of time. The water safety helps people stay safe and warm inside the water. As you know life jackets are very useful for surviving in different situations. Eg: drowning, not knowing how to swim, and different dangerous ways of being inside the water.

I enjoyed this task because we learnt how to stay safe and make sure a rescue helicopter comes and make sure your safe.

Positive Behaviour – PB4L

LI: To explore the positive behaviour’s and expectations

For this task I had to write the expected expectations and the importance of positive behaviour. It is very important class expectations because without them there could be fights and arguements. It is also like the outside world, if there was no laws there would be so much violence between groups of people and it would be risk to even stay in your house as someone would break in

Expected Expectations when we’re in class.

  • Be quiet when the teacher is talking
  • walk around the class rather than running
  • Stay on task rather than doing something that is not related to work 
  • Put up your hand up rather than shouting out 
  • Be respectful to student and teachers

Sentence Structure – Rags To Riches

LI: To explore sentence structure

For this activity we played a game called rags to riches and is about our knowledge of simple compound and complex sentences. From this challenge I can see I have a clear understanding of simple compound and complex sentences I now need to focus on compound sentences and it has in it.

Simple sentences has one independant clause that must contain a noun and verb e.g: The cat sat on the mat.

Compound sentences are two independent clauses seperated by an conjunction (FANBOYS) e.g The cat sat on the mat and the dog lay in front of the fire.

Complex sentences has two independent clauses and one or more dependant clauses. e.g: The cat sat on the mat because it was tired.

The highest amount I got was 64,00 thousand whilst others got to 1 million. I enjoyed this task because I got to play a game about my knowledge in simple compound and complex sentences.

Sentence Sturctures

LI: To explore sentence structure.

For this task we wrote the sentence structure with another class, simple sentences and compound sentences. Simple sentences are sentences with verbs and nouns for example:  The cat sat on the mat.  The tiger was roaring at the zookeepers. The dog lay in front of the fireplace.

In every sentence you start with a capital and end with a full stop. 

A compound sentence is two simple sentences and a fanboy, For example:  The butterfly flew into the cats mouth and the grasshopper jumped but camouflaged on the plant In every sentence you start with a capital and end with a full stop. 

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about the sentence structures.


2024 Vision Board

LI: To tell what we want to do in the future

This task was about what career I wanted to do in the future, the school I want to attend. I chose taika waititi because he is a hard worker and a risk taker and is good at acting in his parts.

Taika Waititi is an Māori/Jewish. I want to be like Taika Waititi because he is a great actor and I want to be an actor like him. To achieve my goals I need to try new things and make good decisions.

I enjoyed this task because I got to share what I want to be in the future 

Moment In Time Planner – Polar Bear

LI: To use the senses in our poem

We wrote a poem with senses about a polar bear an a man in a box that a polar bear that trys to scratch its way in but fails, I wrote:

I heard the paws of the pale brute land on top of the weak plastic shield, rumbling the cage trying to break their way into the fresh meat hiding inside.

I saw the menacing black dots appearing to be creeping towards me, I gazed upon the pale entity through my brittle cage as it scratched and rammed its huge torso into the only thing that stood between me and certain death.

I felt vulnerable for the first time as I tried to avoid the frigid gaze of the beast, not feeling initially troubled at this moment, but love at first site does not apply at these abominable white cold lands.

I wondered if the brutal beast would come upon another human, stalking it throughout the cold and misty landscape, its black void like eyes quietly contemplating his next meal.

I enjoyed this task because

Caring For My Chromebook

LI: to care for our chromebook’s

This task is about taking care chromebooks, taking care of our chromebook’s is important because we mostly use digital work taking care of chromebook helps us learn more research on things we don’t know about.

Taking care of our chromebook’s means to charge it every night so you don’t have to at school where people might fall over because of it, also eating or drinking over that is a way to get keys stuck and wont work because crumbs will fall into the keys and drinks will shut the whole computer off if they spill.

I enjoyed this task because I got to see how to take care of chromebooks by classmates.