Year: 2024

Google Meets Panmure Bridge School

What do you think the big message is?

The Google Team: (Steven, Simon, Caroline and Teyha) has given us a chance to ask questions about what happens in their office or in their everyday life of being a Google worker.They have inspired us to dream big and believe you can succeed, They introduced themselves and what subjects they are specialized. This experience was great because I learnt a lot questions others asked, this has been fun because I can think of big dreams, they’ve also talked about the first youtube video recorded 19 years ago called ( me at the zoo by jawed ).

  • Inspired and maybe other classmates to try succeed in life.
  • Told us to not 10 percent better and make it 10x better.
  • They told us what role they play as.
  • Chromebooks are safe from viruses.
  • Really good information .
  • 80 members in Google New Zealand.

I enjoyed this because It inspires me to dream big and not got 10 percent but 10x better.

Information Report – Bengal Swamp Tigers

LI: To write an information report that informs the reader about the the Swamp Tiger

We used our smart searching skils facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the informatio we needed , we mde notes in our own words. We used these notes to help us write our information report, Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts

Are you aware? That Swamp Tigers hunt at night and that Swamp Tigers are Solitary Animals ( animal that relies on self survival ). Did you know? That humans are Taking land, and animals like the Swamp Tiger are losing theirs. (People taking their habitats ). – naturally Swamp Tigers will hunt and sometimes people. Poachers hunt the Swamp Tigers for money.

As strange as it may seem. The Swamp Tigers has been Scientifically named : Panthera Tigris Tigris Have you wondered? What do the swamp tigers do to adapt? They have adapted to their environment because it’s where they inhabit; they eat off crabs and fish which helps them learn how to swim. 

With their aggressive behavior the Swamp Tigers use their orange coated fur with black stripes on its body to stay hidden in the environment it waits for its prey to devour. with hefty paws as well as its mighty strength with a tense muscular body, and uses its agitated claws; that can easily tear through its prey. They are ferocious beasts that are meat-eating carnivores and has rapid speed.

Swamp tigers are carnivores that survive on meat. These beasts also  Eat about – 60 pounds per day,Worldwide eating 100 fishermen per year. With the weight of 500 – 550 pounds, their prey is Deer, Turtle, Human, Wild boar, Monkeys, Crabs, Fish.  Food will decrease making it harder for swamp tigers to survive due to deforestation. ( Humans taking their habitat making it harder to survive ) 

Swamp Tigers | habitats are located and live in the continent of asia in a mangrove forest. Swamp Tigers live in swampy biomes where its prey do not enter because predators fear them Deer, Turtle, Human, Wild boar, Monkeys, Crabs, Fish. Swamp Tigers What do you think about this?

Not many people think that the behavior of the swamp tiger is territorial, overprotective of its land camouflaging with the forest and aggressive of its prey to hopefully catch and tear into its body.  The Swamp Tiger has several different predators : Deer, Turtle, Human, Wild boar, Monkeys, Crabs, Fish. ferocious ( vicious ) swimmers when its prey is near 

The Swamp Tiger is a wild and unique animal but the numbers are decreasing due to deforestation and city expansion making it harder for them to survive and are going into extinction.

Swamp Tiger’s

LI: To create a multi moda | DLO that tells otherss about swamp tigers.

Our challenge we made a multi-moda DLO about swamp tigers, but first we took notes about the swamp tigers diet, behaviour, appearance and habitat. This is because we are leaning howt to write an information report about the swamp tigers. We wrote down facts, we wrote what they ate, what they do, what they do to survive and more. We also made an audiofor DLO, so the readers could be able to listen, read and see what the swamp tigers are about and the scientific name for tigers: panther tigris tigris. They live in places that are hot like mangrove swamp and Sundarbans | 60% Bangladesh and the rest in India. It is a carnivore ( only meat eater ) that eats 100 fishermen per year they prey on weaker animals such as fish etcc.. This tiger and others are very territorial because they might take food making it harder for them to survive. when a tiger meets its predator it will protect its area because they need to survive also

I enjoyed this because I got to learn about the swamp tigers and what they do to survive and where they hang around. I would like to improve on the audio for our recordings, I did well at putting useful information because it tells me and many people what swamp tiger is about.

Samoan Language Week

LI: To learn the about the Samoa Tatau’s

For Samoan Language Week LS2 had mad tatau and designs in the samoan culture, some of the art were hand patterns and others have flowers that were beautiful. The tatau patterns were shown to represent the culture of Samoa and strong bonds with their culture. I had to answer questions about:What is the reason Samoan tatau is so important?  e.g: When do they get the tatau?: 12 to 13 years old or when they’re bodies have developed, Who can get a tatau? Men and the woman, What is the reason Samoan tatau is so important? Because it marks pride to the samoan culture.

Howick Historical Village

LI: to make a collage about the Howick Historical Village

For this task we went around a place named howick historical village and saw what New Zealand in 1850s. For this trip, we had 3 tasks: the butter making, making trolleys and riding it, and finallly looking around and going into the houses to see what was inside the houses. The butter tasted like the butter in the real butter in countdown.

I enjoyed going around and experiencing what the 1850s in New Zealand looked like from today and the 1850s.

Healthy Eating

LI: To learn about portion sizes and nutrients.

For this task we made a poster based off of the wonderful people working for Nestle who have showed us about a healthy diet and food portion, healthy eating means to eat healthy portions of food like whole grains, dairy products, vegetables and fruits which are very important for your health and great to eat.

I found this activity enjoying because I got to make a poster about healthy eating.

Water Safety

LI: to make a poster or animation about water safety

For this task we learnt about water safety and how to survival in the water for a long amount of time. The water safety helps people stay safe and warm inside the water. As you know life jackets are very useful for surviving in different situations. Eg: drowning, not knowing how to swim, and different dangerous ways of being inside the water.

I enjoyed this task because we learnt how to stay safe and make sure a rescue helicopter comes and make sure your safe.

Positive Behaviour – PB4L

LI: To explore the positive behaviour’s and expectations

For this task I had to write the expected expectations and the importance of positive behaviour. It is very important class expectations because without them there could be fights and arguements. It is also like the outside world, if there was no laws there would be so much violence between groups of people and it would be risk to even stay in your house as someone would break in

Expected Expectations when we’re in class.

  • Be quiet when the teacher is talking
  • walk around the class rather than running
  • Stay on task rather than doing something that is not related to work 
  • Put up your hand up rather than shouting out 
  • Be respectful to student and teachers

Sentence Structure – Rags To Riches

LI: To explore sentence structure

For this activity we played a game called rags to riches and is about our knowledge of simple compound and complex sentences. From this challenge I can see I have a clear understanding of simple compound and complex sentences I now need to focus on compound sentences and it has in it.

Simple sentences has one independant clause that must contain a noun and verb e.g: The cat sat on the mat.

Compound sentences are two independent clauses seperated by an conjunction (FANBOYS) e.g The cat sat on the mat and the dog lay in front of the fire.

Complex sentences has two independent clauses and one or more dependant clauses. e.g: The cat sat on the mat because it was tired.

The highest amount I got was 64,00 thousand whilst others got to 1 million. I enjoyed this task because I got to play a game about my knowledge in simple compound and complex sentences.

Sentence Sturctures

LI: To explore sentence structure.

For this task we wrote the sentence structure with another class, simple sentences and compound sentences. Simple sentences are sentences with verbs and nouns for example:  The cat sat on the mat.  The tiger was roaring at the zookeepers. The dog lay in front of the fireplace.

In every sentence you start with a capital and end with a full stop. 

A compound sentence is two simple sentences and a fanboy, For example:  The butterfly flew into the cats mouth and the grasshopper jumped but camouflaged on the plant In every sentence you start with a capital and end with a full stop. 

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about the sentence structures.