Month: May 2024

Place Value

LI: To explore numbers (Written, Expanded, Numerals)

To make this DLO, me and my partner first learned about what Place Value is, and then explain it in our own words. Place Value is a simple strategy for solving addition problems. Place Value is placed in a category of ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundreds thousands, etc. 

Our Whenua

L.I: To connect to the Whenua around PBS

For this task we looked at most of the streets around panmure (panmure bridge school) Most of the streets near us have a name of someone for example: Allenby Road takes its name from a soldier named Edmund Allenby, Allenby is a soldier from world war 1, and fought the turkish in palestine. Sir Edmund Allenby led the Egyptian Expeditionary Force to victory in Palestine and Syria in 1917 and 1918.

I enjoyed this task because I found information I did not know about.

Leaders We Admire

LI: To leaders we admire

In this task we could choose any leaders such as a prime minister, a sport captain and many more.

I researched and wrote the reasons why I admire titokowaru, I admire him because he was responsible for organising a campaign against Government forces by gathering picked fighting men around him from neighbouring tribes and this is one of the few things he did as the chief of Ngati Huarine. 

I enjoyed this task because I learnt more about titokowaru.

Taniwha Names

LI: To design our names as taniwhas

In this task we used our names and mad Taniwha out of it and to design our names as taniwhas, My design was just a taniwha face and my names with a taiaha. I had inspiration from other people because I could’nt find a good design.

I enjoyed this task because I got to make my name as a Taniwha.

Algorithm – Maths !

Algorithm is a Maths strategy that makes a better understanding of somthing in Maths.

In this task I explained what algorithm is, how to do algorithm and what algorithm is used for. In my DLO I wrote

What is Algorithm?  Algorithm is a type of maths strategy that you can use in: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

For example “addition’          

             2 7 0

          + 1 8 9

          4  5  9

How to do algorithm?  algorithm is adding the numbers on the top and adding them up to the bottom if a number is more then 9 e.g “12” we would add a 1 on the top of the next number.

What is algorithm used for?: Algorithm is used as a math strategy to work out math equations, for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This helps make the math equation make you think different and help you understand better.

I enjoyed this task because I got to explain what what algorithm is, how to do algorithm and what algorithm is used for.

Haiku Poem

LI: To write a haiku poem

In this task I wrote a haiku of how Maui slowed the sun, the poem me and my group made said: The bright flaming sun, Crossed the earth before it came, Maui couldn’t work, Maui had enough, Gathering his brothers, Four of his brothers, Creating powerful ropes, So the sun wouldn’t escape, Ready to set off They were sure to win, Awaiting for the sun to rise, Hid behind clay walls, When the sun emerged, Maui stood with all his might, He lept forcing him to slow

I enjoyed this task because I got to write a haiku about maui slowing the sun down.

Maungarei Poem

LI: to write a poem about Mt Wellington/Maungarei

In this task we wrote a poem about Mt Wellington/Maungarei, we walked up the mountain for information about the senses: what we heard, what we saw, what we felt, what we wondered and what we smelt.

I heard whistling of the misty and chilly wind blowing past my face, as the spine chilling cries of war faded into the distance.

I saw the traffic maneuvering around the streets of today, the streets that hold the secrets of yesterday.

I felt powerful on the mountain top, surrounded by the taonga buried it has in the past and the knowledge it brings to the present.

I wondered about what this mounga provides to us and what it provided, as the dangers and wisdom it brings today to travel up this mounga, along with the shelter and advantages it brought a long time ago.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about Mt Wellington/Maungarei.

Matariki Star Design

LI: To design our own matariki star, Making a star design to celebrate the importance of the matariki tradition.

First I had to think of a design to do, my design was based on the four elements and the sun and clouds. The sun of my design was representing as the brightest star and the star of growth and development. The clouds represent as the shelter of our country/world.

Secondly, I thought of my four elements and what I should try and make out of them, The four elements: Water, Land, Fire and lastly Air these elements are the importance of the whole world, this design was to show the importance of the four elements and supporting the matariki star tradition.

Lastly, Our class had to vote on who had the best star design, all of the designs were good because everyone tried there best at making theirs neat so people would like it and so we could decide on the  design they would paint.

I enjoyed this task because I got to create my own star design

Lantern New Year

LI: to learn the importance of the Lantern Festival in the Chinese culture.

The lantern New Year. For this task I had to research about the lantern new year and found interesting facts to put in my slideshow, and why it is a important in the chinese history.

This task was enjoying because I got to learn interesting things in the Chinese history of the lantern festival.