Day: May 23, 2024

Healthy Eating

LI: To learn about portion sizes and nutrients.

For this task we made a poster based off of the wonderful people working for Nestle who have showed us about a healthy diet and food portion, healthy eating means to eat healthy portions of food like whole grains, dairy products, vegetables and fruits which are very important for your health and great to eat.

I found this activity enjoying because I got to make a poster about healthy eating.

Water Safety

LI: to make a poster or animation about water safety

For this task we learnt about water safety and how to survival in the water for a long amount of time. The water safety helps people stay safe and warm inside the water. As you know life jackets are very useful for surviving in different situations. Eg: drowning, not knowing how to swim, and different dangerous ways of being inside the water.

I enjoyed this task because we learnt how to stay safe and make sure a rescue helicopter comes and make sure your safe.

Positive Behaviour – PB4L

LI: To explore the positive behaviour’s and expectations

For this task I had to write the expected expectations and the importance of positive behaviour. It is very important class expectations because without them there could be fights and arguements. It is also like the outside world, if there was no laws there would be so much violence between groups of people and it would be risk to even stay in your house as someone would break in

Expected Expectations when we’re in class.

  • Be quiet when the teacher is talking
  • walk around the class rather than running
  • Stay on task rather than doing something that is not related to work 
  • Put up your hand up rather than shouting out 
  • Be respectful to student and teachers