Maungarei Poem

LI: to write a poem about Mt Wellington/Maungarei

In this task we wrote a poem about Mt Wellington/Maungarei, we walked up the mountain for information about the senses: what we heard, what we saw, what we felt, what we wondered and what we smelt.

I heard whistling of the misty and chilly wind blowing past my face, as the spine chilling cries of war faded into the distance.

I saw the traffic maneuvering around the streets of today, the streets that hold the secrets of yesterday.

I felt powerful on the mountain top, surrounded by the taonga buried it has in the past and the knowledge it brings to the present.

I wondered about what this mounga provides to us and what it provided, as the dangers and wisdom it brings today to travel up this mounga, along with the shelter and advantages it brought a long time ago.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about Mt Wellington/Maungarei.

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