Matariki Star Design

LI: To design our own matariki star, Making a star design to celebrate the importance of the matariki tradition.

First I had to think of a design to do, my design was based on the four elements and the sun and clouds. The sun of my design was representing as the brightest star and the star of growth and development. The clouds represent as the shelter of our country/world.

Secondly, I thought of my four elements and what I should try and make out of them, The four elements: Water, Land, Fire and lastly Air these elements are the importance of the whole world, this design was to show the importance of the four elements and supporting the matariki star tradition.

Lastly, Our class had to vote on who had the best star design, all of the designs were good because everyone tried there best at making theirs neat so people would like it and so we could decide on the  design they would paint.

I enjoyed this task because I got to create my own star design

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