Year: 2022

Rail Transport

My group and I did a task to learn what a stakeholder is, We learnt what rail transport is and also had to write 10 facts

First I learnt what transport is, rail transport is a vehicle that is supported by a rail underneath.

Next I wrote my DLO I had to write my 10 facts in a text box we could do our DLO on a Google drawing or Google slides. I had to find a image from pixabay and attributed the image the person who made the picture, pixabay and the license.

Lastly I had to move the stuff around so I could follow the print design rule, following the print design rules will make your poster/DLO or any type of platform look good.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about rail transportation. I need to improve on having a better poster. I did well at making the DLO.


Commanding Conversation

I completed a task called commanding conversation.

First I had to think what they thought and wrote it in my own words of my understanding.

Next I named what they could have been named, like: Monkey 1, Monkey 2, Monkey 3, Because they are all gorilas/monkeys

Lastly I put it all together and made it a whole script/story of what could have happend in the picture.

I enjoyed this task because I got to practise my predictions. I need to improve on writing more sentences. I did well at thinking of what they were doing.


Timeing And Distince

I measured and distance for how fast I can run by running.

First we used a tape mesurer to measure the line so we could run and time how fast we went. there were cones at the 4,6,8,10 meter marks

Next we had to run pass the whole measuring tape, we also had a timer so we could see how fast everyone could run.

Lastly we had to finsih doing all of the people in our group at having a turn at running. And the whole of Mr. Wongs maths group did it all as a group, we had 4 people with timers and was on a cone for whoever is running the timer would have to stop if the runner ran pass.

I enjoyed this task because I got see how fast I could run with a measuring tape. I need to improve on getting a faster time. I did well at running.



I learnt how to shotput.

First I practised the first technique. The first technique I learned was putting three fingers on the ball. The second technique was putting it onto my neck. Third skill I learnt was the stance of the shot put you had sideways taking your left arm up, twist around then come forward pushing your hand through the ball.

Next I practised using the skills in shot putting the ball to my partner. Mr Joe told me to get into the right position and how to throw the ball. you had to put the ball in front of your ear.

Lastly I did the right stance and the right throw, but I wasn’t aiming properly so I hit the walls and nearly hit someone.

I enjoyed this task because I got to do shotput. I need to improve on throwing the ball straight. I did well on doing the stance.

SSR Selfie

I did a can-do called SSR Selfie.

First I read a book called the diary of the wimpy kid, I read a few pages of what he does in the book.

Next I wrote a recount on the slide about what the kid does and what’s about the kid.

Lastly I took a photo of the book and wrote three new words and my understanding of what it means.

I enjoyed this task because I got to read a book that I haven’t and learn what it’s about. I need to improve on having a better understanding of the three new words. I did well at writing the recount.

Commanding Conversation

I did a can do call commanding conversation.

First I had to think what they thought and wrote it in my own words of my understanding.

Next I named what they could have been named, like: Mum/Mary, Dad/Jimmy, Ben and Tom.

Lastly I put it all together and made it a whole script/story of what could have happend in the picture.

I enjoyed this task because I got to practise my predictions. I need to improve on writing more sentences. I did well at thinking of what they were doing.

Pros And Cons

I learnt what pros and cons mean, cons mean a disadvantage and a pro is advantage.

First I went on a slide on the slide was a jet ski and a ship I had to write the pros and cons. For example: A jetski average cost is 5,000 to 20,00 so it’s valuable, Jet Skis can get stolen very easily. A con is for example: You can fall off of a jetski easily if you’re not balanced. Wastes your money if you break it, You can sink out to sea if a storm comes.

Next we did ship, we also had to use pros and cons. Here are the thing we wrote for a ship: A ship has more protection against the weather, It can float on water when there’s no storm. And this is the thing we wrote for cons A ship does not have that much horsepower. A ship might be too heavy to survive the sea cause it might sink

Lastly we had to put a image in the box we had to put a image of a baot and a jet ski.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn what cons and pros means. I need to improve on writing more for the pros and cons for the ship and jet ski.


There are two diffrent kawa of care rules. They are: School Responsibilities and Responsible Use.

The improtant thing we learnt were: Food and drinks, gaming and other gambling games, guest login, charging and stay cybersmart.

The Responsible is: To use School Login Only, Stay Cybersmart and Not using Gaming and Other Sites. School Login Only: We should only use our school accounts in our computers. It is also 13 + to make a google accounts. Stay Cybersmart: We should follow cybersmart to keep ourselves and our family safe.

The school monirates the whole school at school and at home. It is the schools responsibilitie to: Monirate chromebooks, Use loan devices, Warrantys: The warranty is 3 years and valid if the kawa of care has been followed. A normal Warranty is 1 or 2 years.

The two diffrent kawa of care rules are School Responsibilities and Responsible Use.

Te Reo Maori

I learnt Te Reo Maori.

First we had to talk in Maori for 8 minutes straight and if spoke english we would get a srike/slip.

Next we learnt how to say new words in Maori. We also had to tell what the time is.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to talk in Maori for 8 minutes. I need to improve on telling the time. I did well on saying new words that I didn’t know.

Running Length

I learnt how fast I can run by running pass the measuring tape.

First I made a table on a google doc, 6 down 3 right.  In the table I put student and time on both sides. I put the people on my tables name in the table on the google doc. We first had a example from the teacher measuring 8-6 meters and he ran from one side to the other and we timed how fast he ran, his time was 2.54. We had to also do the same thing.

Next we used a tape mesurer to measure the line so we could run and time how fast we went. My times for all of them were 0.78, 1.18, 2.02, 1.90. There were 4 different types i had to meausure like: 4m, 6m, 8m, 10m.

Lastly we had to finsih doing all of the people in our group at having a turn at running.

I enjoyed this task because I got see how fast I could run with a measuring tape. I need to improve on getting a faster time. I did well at running.