Year: 2022

How To Write A Blog Post ( Imformation And Explanation )

How to write a information blog post and a explanation.


  • Chromebook/paper
  • pen/pencil

How to write a imformation report:

  • think of a topic to write about.
  • Write a title, Introduction tells people what you are telling about in order.
  • Write three specific detail about the topic in the paragraph.
  • Write what the topic improtant for.

How to write a explanation blog post:

  • Find a object/mechanical device to write about.
  • Write a introduction about the topic.
  • Explain the parts from the topic.
  • Write a summary about the topic to show what it’s about and what it does.

Being Inclusive Of Others

Being inclusive is including people, and saying something to include someone or do something.

Inclusive is important because they can be left out. And can make freinds by including people so they might include you. For example: Want to play with me?, Come join us in tag, What game do you want to play first?

Including people makes people want to be freinds, And don’t be lonely when playing by themselves. Including people is good because they can include if you include them into your group and games.


For this week we made a podcast about organs.

First, I made a DLO with 10 facts.Like, in the 3rd century BC, the first organ made was called the Hydraulis. Organs have been in churches from the 9th century and the first ever organ was invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria. 

Next, I reasearched the history of the organ instrument and this instrument is known as the oldest and largest instrument.

Lastly, I had to make a recording about the script as a podcast arguing and opposing to each other.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about the organs. I need to improve on talking louder. I think I did well at researching.

Topes Structure

TOPES stand for: Title, Orientation, Problem, Events and Solution.

The title helps the reader what the text/story is about. Titles give a better understanding to the text and what the reader wants to see.

The orientation’s purpose is to introduce a new or the main character/person, and world the story is set in.

The problem, the problem is revealing the cause for the main character’s need to act.

The events, it tells people whats happening in the story detailing the actions of all characters in the story.

The solution, the solution helps in the story when there is a problem.

TOPES, can be in a narrative story, digital story’s and more.

How to tell the time

Time can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and others. There is a difference bweteen a analog clock and digital clocks.

To tell the time on a analog clock, to tell the time is when you see the hour hand in the middle of 2 numbers like: 2 and 3 you can tell that it has been passed 2:00 but if its not directly on a number it would be the last hour so it would be 2:00,  and if the minute hand is on a number: 45, and the hour hand is on the 3 it would be 3:45.

Time can also be told to measure, see how fast you can run and other things that you can time. A digital clock is a easy clock because it will have the time already set. or can be different numbers like: 14:21.


Commanding Conversation

I completed a can do called commanding conversation.

This task is about trying to understand in a picture what you think what they’re thinking.

I wrote a text about what i thought to understand what they might have been thinking in the picture.

Then I “named” the people from the picture to what they’re name might be aswell.

I enjoyed this task because i got to understand more of predictions. I did well at understanding the picture. I need to improve on writing more about the picture.


Infromal Vs Formal

Informal is talking more casually. We should only talk informally to our friends, Family and people we know really well. Formal is talking more politely to people. We should talk formally to people that are important for example. The prime minister, A Boss.

The things that are different about them is that formal talking is that they say words very differently. For ex

ample formal talk uses words like develop instead of make machinery instead of  machine. These words are from Tractors. Informal words use words like better instead of stronger and make instead of produce. These words are from Tysgaru Shamisen.

Informal is talking more casually. Formal is talking to people like: Freinds.

Discus And Shotput

I learnt how to do discus and I revised shotput.

First I learnt how to hold a discus, you have to put your hand like a shelf and then rolling the discus on the floor. This was easy because it rolled very easily.

Next I did shotput but with a heavier ball than a tennis ball, The first technique I learned was putting three fingers on the ball. The second technique was putting it onto my neck. Third skill I learnt was the stance of the shot put you had sideways taking your left arm up, twist around then come forward pushing your hand through the ball.

Lastly we did a throw twisting your whole body holding the discus/beanbag throwing to help with the discus because we were doing it wrong.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn how to do discus. I need to improve on doing the shotput. I did well at doing the discus.

Motivating Words

Motivating words of situations: something you can’t do, feeling sad or doesn’t want to do.

Normal motivating words are: You can do it, Just believe in yourself, Keep trying you will do it eventually, Keep trying and you will do it, Don’t disbelieve in yourself, Don’t give up. 

These are just some of the motivating words, there are hundreds or thousands of motivating words that can be told to someone that is feeling sad or can’t do something.

Words can help people by people telling someone that they can do it, words can make people from not anting to do something to wanting to do something. If people get told motivating words they would want to do it or feel happier, motivating words are important for people that won’t do something because there scared or don’t want to do it.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a can do called basic facts boxes.

I completed a can do called basic facts boxes.

I got a time of  6 minutes and 53 secounds.

I got all of the answers correct ( 100/100 ) I got all the answers right.

I liked this task because I got to do multiplication. I need to improve on getting a faster time next time. I did well at getting the answers right.