Month: December 2022

How To Write A Blog Post ( Imformation And Explanation )

How to write a information blog post and a explanation.


  • Chromebook/paper
  • pen/pencil

How to write a imformation report:

  • think of a topic to write about.
  • Write a title, Introduction tells people what you are telling about in order.
  • Write three specific detail about the topic in the paragraph.
  • Write what the topic improtant for.

How to write a explanation blog post:

  • Find a object/mechanical device to write about.
  • Write a introduction about the topic.
  • Explain the parts from the topic.
  • Write a summary about the topic to show what it’s about and what it does.

Being Inclusive Of Others

Being inclusive is including people, and saying something to include someone or do something.

Inclusive is important because they can be left out. And can make freinds by including people so they might include you. For example: Want to play with me?, Come join us in tag, What game do you want to play first?

Including people makes people want to be freinds, And don’t be lonely when playing by themselves. Including people is good because they can include if you include them into your group and games.