Recreating Portraits

I recreated a portrait.

First  I looked at some famous portraits. For example: Mona Lisa and Vertumnus. I had to make a yellow paper boat and then put it on my head and take a photo and compare it to the orginal picture.

I chose a portrait Rudolf Hausner and made the item that was on the portrait which was a hat or a boat

I enjoyed this task because I got to make a boat and learn about famous portraits. I need to improve doing the hat or boat better and bigger. I did well at making the boat


One thought on “Recreating Portraits

  1. Kia ora Kane,

    You’ve done so well to recreate this portrait! Did the boat take you long to create?

    Thanks for sharing the original image as a reference for your recreation. You’ve done a great job of trying to recreate the person’s posture and facial expressions. Ka pai!

    How is your summer going so far? I’m looking forward to seeing more of your posts 😀

    Ngā mihi,
    Simon (SLJ)

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