Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt – Create your science toolkit.

First i watch a video about a rocket girl where she adapts what she exaclty can’t find.

Next I to find the equipment for the treasure hunt. I relizied i had most of the equipment. I could find a tube so I got a card.

I enjoied this task because I got find equipment and watch a vedieo. I did well on what equipment I need to find.  I need to improve on having more equipment.

One thought on “Treasure Hunt

  1. Kia ora Kane

    You have done a very good job at finding the items on your science toolkit list. An idea if you are looking for the item of weight is that you could use a rock.

    I especially like your creativity of creating a tube out of card- this shows your adaptability skills when you couldn’t find a tube, you made your own. Nice idea!

    Keep up the great work!
    Manar Mahmoud (SLJ)

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