Month: December 2022

Organ Quiz

I made a quiz about organ the instrument.

First my group and I made a goggle slides about the organ instrument, First we made a entry slide to go to our introduction slide so people could do the quiz.

Next we put the qeustion slides in so that will let them start you have to press one of the answers and it will take you to incorrect or correct slide to see if you have got the answer right.

Lastly, there is also fun facts to help you with the quiz, but you should already read the organs slide. You can also compete with others to see who knows the about the quiz best.

Trick Shot

This week I was practiseing trickshots for the summer leraning Journing.

First I tried to kick the ball throw the middle of the spider web.

Next I tried to kick the ball on the top corner of the circle. On the other other side of the park.

I enjoyed this because i got to kick around. I need to improve on getting it in. I need to improve on aiming right.

Recreating Portraits

I recreated a portrait.

First  I looked at some famous portraits. For example: Mona Lisa and Vertumnus. I had to make a yellow paper boat and then put it on my head and take a photo and compare it to the orginal picture.

I chose a portrait Rudolf Hausner and made the item that was on the portrait which was a hat or a boat

I enjoyed this task because I got to make a boat and learn about famous portraits. I need to improve doing the hat or boat better and bigger. I did well at making the boat


Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt – Create your science toolkit.

First i watch a video about a rocket girl where she adapts what she exaclty can’t find.

Next I to find the equipment for the treasure hunt. I relizied i had most of the equipment. I could find a tube so I got a card.

I enjoied this task because I got find equipment and watch a vedieo. I did well on what equipment I need to find.  I need to improve on having more equipment.

Tempature And Time

I learnt how to tell the tempature.

First me and my group put a thermometer in a sink full of water and put the tip just on the water. And it was hot/warm so we put ice packs to make the water cold and see how fast it would go down from the red bar in the middle.

Next I made a spreadsheat about tempature and time, and put 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60. We waited till 5 minutes and had to check where it was in the beginning, the start was 42 and we waited till 30 and it went cold and stopped getting colder.

Lastly we waited to 30 minutes and went down all the way to 25.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn how to tell the tempature. I need to improve on learning a better understanding on reading the info. I did well at reading it.

Marble Maze

If you follow these steps you will learn how to make a marble maze.


Hard cardboard






  1. Make a in and out.
  2. Glue the maze down on the hard cardboard.
  3. Cut out the straws to the about the same size as the lines.
  4. Glue the straws down where the lines are.
  5. Get a marble and try to get through the maze.


I made a new mode of transport.

First I learnt how to label and explain about the car. For example: we wrote an introduction about our car and explained how it can help society. My first bit for my introduction about my car is: this vehicle can go on land, air, water, and rail.

Next I learnt how to explain how it helps society. My first bit about my explanation about my car is: The first transport that helps society is land. The wheels for land helps vehicles go to places like: shops, car brands, and other things.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to write the explanation about my car. I need to improve on writing my introduction longer. I did well on writing my explanation.

Comment Thread

I learnt how to comment thread

First I had to write a helpful comment to the person that I was going to write a comment on. I was reading the recount trying to think of something helpful the recount was.

Next my partner had to write a comment on my infromation report about how to tell the time.

Lastly I had to comment on my partners blog about the PE blog.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about comment threading. I need to improve on writing more infomation. I did well at nothing.

Organ Quiz

My group and I were working on a interactive quiz.

First we planned everything out like who was gonna do what and what topic we were gonna do and what question we should have in the quiz.

Next we started looking for information like the users the purpose, stakeholders and more infomation.

Lastly we added answers and questions and linked the questions to the answers like incorrect and correct.

I enjoyed this because I got to make a quiz. I need to improve on making more questions. I did well on finding information and answers.

Samoan Symbols And Colors Meaning

I made a poster of the samoan flag.

First I went on to a google drawing. And made a title about what im telling to the reader, and write a text to tell what the symbols and colors mean.

Next I made a samoan flag, and what the colors and symbol’s stands for like: Red stands for carouge or bravery and blue stands for freedom. The stars stand for the southern cross constellation. 

Lastly I added more detail to it so it doesn’t look boering. And wont be bad.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about toa samoa and what the colors mean and symbols represents. I did well at making the poster. I need to improve on writing more.