Day: November 18, 2022

Infromal Vs Formal

Informal is talking more casually. We should only talk informally to our friends, Family and people we know really well. Formal is talking more politely to people. We should talk formally to people that are important for example. The prime minister, A Boss.

The things that are different about them is that formal talking is that they say words very differently. For ex

ample formal talk uses words like develop instead of make machinery instead of  machine. These words are from Tractors. Informal words use words like better instead of stronger and make instead of produce. These words are from Tysgaru Shamisen.

Informal is talking more casually. Formal is talking to people like: Freinds.

Discus And Shotput

I learnt how to do discus and I revised shotput.

First I learnt how to hold a discus, you have to put your hand like a shelf and then rolling the discus on the floor. This was easy because it rolled very easily.

Next I did shotput but with a heavier ball than a tennis ball, The first technique I learned was putting three fingers on the ball. The second technique was putting it onto my neck. Third skill I learnt was the stance of the shot put you had sideways taking your left arm up, twist around then come forward pushing your hand through the ball.

Lastly we did a throw twisting your whole body holding the discus/beanbag throwing to help with the discus because we were doing it wrong.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn how to do discus. I need to improve on doing the shotput. I did well at doing the discus.

Motivating Words

Motivating words of situations: something you can’t do, feeling sad or doesn’t want to do.

Normal motivating words are: You can do it, Just believe in yourself, Keep trying you will do it eventually, Keep trying and you will do it, Don’t disbelieve in yourself, Don’t give up. 

These are just some of the motivating words, there are hundreds or thousands of motivating words that can be told to someone that is feeling sad or can’t do something.

Words can help people by people telling someone that they can do it, words can make people from not anting to do something to wanting to do something. If people get told motivating words they would want to do it or feel happier, motivating words are important for people that won’t do something because there scared or don’t want to do it.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a can do called basic facts boxes.

I completed a can do called basic facts boxes.

I got a time of  6 minutes and 53 secounds.

I got all of the answers correct ( 100/100 ) I got all the answers right.

I liked this task because I got to do multiplication. I need to improve on getting a faster time next time. I did well at getting the answers right.


Rail Transport

My group and I did a task to learn what a stakeholder is, We learnt what rail transport is and also had to write 10 facts

First I learnt what transport is, rail transport is a vehicle that is supported by a rail underneath.

Next I wrote my DLO I had to write my 10 facts in a text box we could do our DLO on a Google drawing or Google slides. I had to find a image from pixabay and attributed the image the person who made the picture, pixabay and the license.

Lastly I had to move the stuff around so I could follow the print design rule, following the print design rules will make your poster/DLO or any type of platform look good.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about rail transportation. I need to improve on having a better poster. I did well at making the DLO.


Commanding Conversation

I completed a task called commanding conversation.

First I had to think what they thought and wrote it in my own words of my understanding.

Next I named what they could have been named, like: Monkey 1, Monkey 2, Monkey 3, Because they are all gorilas/monkeys

Lastly I put it all together and made it a whole script/story of what could have happend in the picture.

I enjoyed this task because I got to practise my predictions. I need to improve on writing more sentences. I did well at thinking of what they were doing.