Month: August 2022

Basic Facts Boxes

I did basic facts boxes.

I did a can do called basic facts boxes

I got 100/100 in 1 minute 52 scounds.

I need to improve on typing faster and getting at least 1 minute 30 scounds.

I enjoyed this task becuase I get to practise my basic facts. I need to improve on typing faster. I did well at getting a good time.



Cultural Celebrations

I learnt about 3 cultural celebration stories.

First I chose a book called White Sunday. This book is about a boy called Tafu and a bunch of kids going to church and singing and saying there verse that they had to practise on.

Next I did my second book called Grandpa’s Birthday This story is about a Grandpa having a birthday. And the kids said let’s have a party.

Lastly I read my last book called Diwali this book is about the Indian Festival of Light. It is held in late October or on a early November and celebrates the beginning of the Indian new year. The celebrations last for five days.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about 3 cultural celebration stories. I need to improve on reading the text better. I did well at making the DLO.


Spot The Mistakes

I learnt how to spot the mistakes.

First I did a warm up called Kahoot to play against people. We had 30 questions to answer.

Next I went on a google doc and made a copy of it with sentences and we had to make it make sense. There were 10 qeustions that we had to make sense and any incorrect punctuation.

Lastly I looked to see if there were any mistakes.

I enjoyed this task because I got to find mistakes. I need to improve on spotting them better. I did well at changing to make sense.

Commanding Conversation

I learnt how to look at a photo and write it as a conversation.

First I found a photo and thought about what there thinking and put it in my conversation.

Next I wrote what I thought they were thinking about.

I enjoyed this task because and I liked writing a conversation. I need to improve on writing more. I did well on thinking about it.

Basic Facts Boxes

I did basic facts boxes.

I did a can do called basic facts boxes

I got 100/100 in 2 minutes and 17 secounds.

I need to improve on typing faster and getting at least 1 minute.

I enjoyed this task becuase I get to practise my basic facts. I need to improve on typing faster. I did well at getting a good time.




I learnt about zoo animals.

First I connected the letter to the numbers the I had to connect it and see what letter and number I would get.

Next I wrote them in my book I first looked in the aucland zoo I had to find the Saizeriaya Italian restaurant, And He bought a drink at I1. What store did he go to? He ate steak at Teppan Keiji. Where is he? Mr Wong forgot where Japan Post Bank is. Tell him the coordinates. He also needs to go to the grocery store past the station. Where is it?

Lastly I connected the letter to the numbers the I had to connect it and see what letter and number I would get again. But I looked in the Shin-Koiwa (Tokyo) zoo to find the zoo animals.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn about coordinants. I need to improve on kowing how to find the animals faster. I did well at finding the coordinates.

Te Reo

I learnt about Utaina (waiata).

First I listened to the music and translated the music on the google translater and it was. Thank you All of you Load the cars National vehicles Drag it ashore To lie down Move on, move on Lift up, up Thank you, thank you All of you.

Next I made a DLO, It had a english version and a Maori version of Utaina. The meaning is: That its about saying thank you for the national vehicles.

I enjoyed this because I learnt the what Utainais is. I did well on explaining the message. I need to improve on                 understanding the message more.

What Is A Persuasive text

There are five different persuasive texts they are: speech, letter, advertisment, review, article.

Speech is taliking in a big audience is to make someone believe the same as you. letter is writting a text to make someone think the same as you.

Advertisement is making toy commercials and making people convinced and making sure people beleive the same thing. Review is to induce to make someone do something and to convert to change someone’s mind.

Articles are websites that talk about famous people a piece of writing included with others in a newspapers and  magazines.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn what a persuasive texts. I need to improve on knowing what it actually means. I did well at high lighting the text.

Cultural Stories

I learnt new cultural stories.

First I got into a group of 3 and read cultural stories. And I first we read a book called Rahi Patupaiarehe. And made a google slide and we had to write the title, Country/Culture, Main Characters, Events and the message.

The title was called Rahi Patupaiarehe Country New Zealand Culture Maori, Main Characters are Rahi and Ti Ara Kura Pake Wai. The events were: Tawhirimatea blew a gust of wind and it lifted Rahi. The Hokio’s kid was born and ate the egg. And Rahi was determined to find Tiara and made a game of peace after he found his wife. And the message was love and determanation.

Next I did a book called Rata me te Rakau Country New Zealand and Culture Maori, The main characters were rata  rakau and the tree. And the event was: Rata was searching the forest for many days trying to find a perfect tree to make a waka to sail across the sea.  Message Patience and waiting.

Lastly I read a book called Battle of the mountains Country New Zealand Culture Maori, The main characters are Taranaki, Tongariro, Tauhara and Pihanga. Event was Taranaki and Tongariro fought in the high pits of the mountains. Because they wanted to be Pihanga’s husband. Message Love and being brave.

I enjoyed this task because I got to to learn about cultural stories. I need to improve on knowing more cook island books. I did well at making the slides.



I learnt about smart searches.

First we needed to search up spider flower and flower spider to see what differences it makes.

Next we searched who and cars and with “a” and “the” then when I searched I had to screenshot the photo. What makes the differences is: the order of words, and small words. What doesn’t makes the differences is: the questions have to make sence, capital and no lower case in the first letter of the word and misspelling.

Lastly we had to answer a question it said you have to misspell your schools name in the google search bar. What does google do to your search: Google auto corrects your mispelling

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn how to smart search. I need to improve on knowing more about smart searching. I did well at learning about smart searching.