
I learnt how to evaluate.

First I read the crowded swimming people and used a evaluating template and I first wrote if I would want to go and if I would not want to go. For example: There are too many people, could get sick of too many people, people would get squashed.

Next , I wrote if I wanted to go I wrote: Because it’s hot, there are no other pools available, the water is cold and is good for the summer when it’s hot and when people will like it because it’s hot in the summer.

Lastly, I wrote my opinion  on what I think I should do or not. E.g: I think I would not go in because there are too many people, could get sick of too many people.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn how to evaluate. I need to improve on knowing more about the opinion. I did well at summarising the two slide’s. 

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