Cultural Stories

I learnt how to make a google map.

First we read books to summarise. I summarised Tsuru no Ongaeshi, The Three Little Pigs, Rahi and the Patupaiarehe and Rata me te Rakau. The I summarised everything in the text for the google map. Then I chose books, for example: Legends, fairy tale, fables, and myths.

Next we summarised those 4 books For example: I summarised Rahi and the Patupaiarehe, this book is about: Tawhirimatea blew a gust of wind and it lifted Rahi. The Hokio’s kid was born and ate the egg. And Rahi was determined to find Tiara and the Patupaiarehe took tiara to a volcano and then Rahi’s tribe blocked the entrance and it was so hot making the Patupaiarehe come out. and then Rahi made a game of peace after he got his wife.

Lastly I needed to add different types of media such as photos, videos.

I enjoyed this task because I got to learn how to make a map. I need to improve on writing more. I did well at adding the media and reading the stories.

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