Underwater Transportation

LI : To generate an AI image using specific prompt on Adobe Express

For this task we were challenged with making an underwater transportation, Using prompts to make a underwater transportation vehicle. Prompt: white electricity powered underwater deep sea explorer futuristic built with extra details, 100 million micro boosts and engines with infinite speed and the durability of a diamond or obsidian with armoured plates and 4 spaces. 

BAR Thinker’s Key

B – Bigger

A – Add

R – Replace

I enjoyed this task because we learnt how to use prompts with specific words and detailed words/technical words.

The Importance Of Sleeping

LI: To explain why sleep is so important and to read the images and make inferences

For this task we first watched a video about why sleeping is important, Me and my partners have been researching about why the importance of sleeping is more beneficial then we may think, the health consequences of not sleeping includes: increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart attack, and stroke. These are the sad and bad downsides of not sleeping, The importance of sleeping benefits are improving your memory, improves your focus, better brain function, healthier heart, energized and reduces stress loss these benefits are just a few of many.

Sleeping  helps you reduce your chances of sickness more often and makes your mood better. Sleeping healthy is important because it also makes your  . Sleeping healthy is one of the most important things in your life as it lowers the risk of having any disease in you. Sleeping healthy also recharges your body to be ready for the next day when you are going to school. Technology also affects the your chances of better sleep, technology can affect people’s sleeping patterns because of the bright screen that they are playing/watching on. Bright screens can cause your brain to think that it is bright outside and be kept awake.


Kingi Tuheitia

LI: Reasearh about Kingi Tuheitia and what does unity mean.

For this task me and my group researched about Kingi Tuheitia and how he united Aotearoa, our loved country. I explored the internet and found that Unity means to bring people together e.g, when putting two people together you are bring them together as unity. Kingi Tuheitia brang his maori community together. And being the strong, respectful, mindful leader to his people and to other people. Kingi Tuheitia wanted to build a marae on Aitutaki but was stopped by the Cook Island government and he was gifted land by a lady who knew the benefits of giving a piece of land to Kingi Tuheitia for his marae.

Duffy Celebration

LS2 has created party hats to celebrate the 30th year birthday of  ”Duffy Books In Homes” we are so lucky to be getting books from the duffy books company, I have learnt that Main freight sponsored Duffy Books/paired up in 1994 making two great companies. We also made Duffy boxes as Duffy holders/Duffy Library to put our Duffy books in so we don’t just  leave them around our houses, Drawing designs, Patterns on it making our display amazing.

Decorating our assembly hall to look amazing for our guests from Duffy Books In Homes and Main freight: Trina, Crystal and Mr. Smith have visited our school and talked about themselves and their favourite books, Mr. Smith made a great impression of Donald Duck as he bought Donald Duck comics when he was younger. Thank you Duffy Books In Homes and Main Freight members for coming and visiting our school for the 30th birthday celebration.

Comrades Marathon – Reading

LI: To make conections

LI: To reorganise your information

LI: To skim and scan to find facts and make notes in my own words

LI: To ask questions to strengthen your connections to the text

This week we have been reading a book called the “Comrades Marathon” and we answered questions talking about the marathon like:

  • Why is there a cut off time? Do you think this is fair or unfair? Why? I think this is unfair because the time they spent training for this momment but had been easily disqualified if they were one minute after. They had to endure injuries, heat strokes and if you crossed after 12:00 you will be disqualified.
  • How do the actions of Mr X and Rosie Ruiz connect? The actions of Mr X and Rosie Ruiz connects because both them had cheated and was ahead and near of the finish line.

We first predicted what this text was going to be about and I wrote” I think that this text will be about the Marathon becuse the title says  “Comrade Marathon: The ultimate human race”. Then made connections and found where Durban and Pietermaritzburg is on the map, and found how far Durban is from Auckland: 11,309 kilometers. Me and my partner defined the following words, dedicated, structured, grueling, ultramarathon, alternates, camaraderie, unity, terrain, crucial, allotted time, endurance, testament.

We talked about the training of the marathon they had to undergo: The specific training plan will vary depending on the individual runner’s fitness level and goals. However, a typical Comrades Marathon training program will involve several months of preparation, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of workouts. Lastly I answered how I don’t know if my predictions are right or wrong.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt about the training and the comrades marathon.


Provocation – Inquiry

Paris spent more then 10 billion Euros to host the Olympics. should they have spent this money?

LI: To make an informed opinion.

LI: To understand perspectives.

LI: to understand that your perspectives influence your opinion.

For this task we learnt the understanding for provocation, it is using two opinons/ideas to backup your answer or to inform your ideas to understand the answers. This task was about the good things they got from being host olympics and the bad things for hosting it, then we did a perspective a and b about how it was a good decision and wrong decision of hostings it eg: They made the right decision because they raise their global profile and the tourist that come their, they made also 10.7 billion Euros back, I they made the wrong decision because after future years these stadiums and items that are worth hundreds of millions are wasted and will be abandoned.

Deep Sea Creature – Cybersmart

LI: To smart search for a specific animal

Today we had to do this task for cybersmart and research about a sea creature from the deep, Jacques Cousteau: A man who who served in world war 11 and helped found the the French navy’s Undersea Research Group in 1945. In 1950 he launched the Calypso, a research ship. He and his crew on the ship carried out many expeditions. Jacques Cousteau was an early swimmer at the age of 4, In 1952 Cousteau published a book, The Silent World, about his research and about scuba diving. It was translated into many languages and brought Jacques Cousteau into the public eye. The book was later made into an award-winning movie. Cousteau also was produced and starred in many television programs.

For our cybersmart task we had to make our own deep sea creature, we partnered up and drew our own deep sea creature with the tool box without tracing. we added detail to our deep sea creature adding sharp teeth, thigs its sorrounded by like seaweed and sand and rock, after that we went on to AI.Craiyon and tried to find something that looks exactly with the same colour and same teeth basically hte same thing.

Born To Run – Reading

Last week we read a book about a man by the name of Arthur Lydiard, who was famous for his running techniques that changed a man of the name Peter Snell. While Arthur Lydiard was running he shocked the young athletes and wanted him to be their coach and mentour, his method helped all of the people he told to run. Arthur Lydiard came 13th with a poorly put out show, but the next marathon winning at 1st place inspiring young athletes to try be as fast as him so they can be fast and famous just like Arthur.

Swimming Safety

Today we went to swimming, and learning how to swim. First we had to kick stream down the pool with a board. Then we used our hands and swam with on hand on the board and crossing them between while we were  swimming, Then we did back strokes to the other side it was a little bit hard for me to get the hang of it but I got it. we also learnt how to dolphin dive and duck dive, Dolphin dive is swimming to the bottom of the floor we used these toys to swim down to the ground, Duck dive is when we float through the water then push ourselves down and then come back up. We also had a race me and another kid raced each other but we were the same speed.


Basketball – PE/HPE

Last week the year 5/6s and year 7/8s participated in the Interschool basketball team to represent our school. I’ve learnt that having good teamwork helped us beat the teams we won, Also having sportsmanship: Eg, by helping/encouraging your teammates to do their best, I learnt that passing shooting even though you don’t make it, at least you still tried to shoot it and be a good help to your team.

I enjoyed going to the interschool because we won against Sylvia Park and by default against Tamaki Primary because they didn’t show up we tried our best to win and we need to work on our communication with each other.